Wes Evans Painting
Residential and commercial painting and wallpapering
At Wes Evans Painting, our goal is to not only help you design and paint your dream home, but to make the process easy and enjoyable for you. We are a full-service painting and decorating team. We offer painting services, wallpaper and border hanging services, drywall repairs, minor trim work, as well as installing minor accessories.
We take pride in the fact that we not only offer a service, but an overall enjoyable experience. With all the horror stories you hear about home renovations you can rest assured we won't leave your home or office until you are 100% satisfied. That is why here, we don't ask for a penny until the job is complete. Not only does that give you our trust, it also shows you how confident we are that you will get a perfect job, on time, every time.
Let's discuss your ideas! Your free consultation is just a phone call away.